Friday, 9 March 2012

Music magazine - Initial ideas

Music magazine – Initial ideas
For my media product I have been asked to design a music magazine cover, contents page and a double page spread. To do this I’ve had to do a lot of research in to what other music magazines are like and the codes and conventions, as a result of this it will give me a good opportunity to make a successful attempt. To start with I’ve had to decide on a genre of music and what my target audience for this would be. My initial ideas are to focus on either the rock or dubstep genres; the reasoning behind these potential choices would that rock has a very large fan base with many variations, proving to be very popular, however the downside would be that there are already many rock magazines and it could get repetitive. My other choice of genre, dubstep, would work because it is a rapidly growing new genre with it slowly working its way into mainstream music. This provides potential as there aren’t any other big music magazines that focus on this genre and its growing at an accelerated rate.
The second thing I had to think about was my target audience, this was crucial as it would determine what content my magazine would contain. I decided on males and females aged from 13-25, I think this would be best suited to the genre of rock and/or dubstep as dubstep is relatively new so people older than that may not like it and also rock is always changing so this age range would suit how it has changed over the years.

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