Monday 28 November 2011

Market Research: Magazines Researched

I looked into other magazines at what their auidences were like, above are some websites I used. I was looking at their statistics, mainly: gender, age, circulation etc.

Monday 21 November 2011

These are some video responces for my Media Questionnaire

These video responces to my questionnaire show what some peoples views and opinions on how they would purchase a music magazine and also what they would like it to include and be about. From these i drew the conclusions that they would prefer to buy it

Media Questionnaire

This is my questionnaire I used for my market research; the questions are as followed:

1. What gender are you?
2. What is your favourite colour?
3. What genre of music do you like?
4. How much would you pay for a music magazine
5. Would free gifts encourage you to purchase a magazine?
6. If yes, what would you like?
7. Would you rather buy a magazine monthly or weekly?
8. Who are/is you favourite band/artsit?
9. What is your favourite thing about music magaiznes?
10. What is your least favourite thing about msuic magaiznes?

Thursday 10 November 2011

Market Research

My next step was to conduct market research into existing music magazines and potential competition, for example my main competitors appear to magazines such as: NME and Kerrang.

Initial Ideas: Genre/Target Audience

For my main task I had to decide on what genre of music my magazine was going to fit into. I decided on the Indie/Rock genres as it seems to be very popular in the current climate. After this I had to look into what audience i was going to target, i decided on music fans of both sexes aged 13 to 30. I choose this because it gives me both a broad and niche target audeinces in which i can use to my advantage.